Ekta old-school thrash metall, tekinn upp '95.

Notað, en í mjög góðu ásigkomulagi.

Ef merzbow myndi reyna að spila Sigur Rós kæmi það út einhvernvegin svona.
"Lava-flow metal. Dense waves of crushing warm ambient drone propelled into the glare of a dying sun. A constantly shifting sculpture of swarming, celestial dissonance and violent sonic beauty. 40 minutes of layered hyperkinetic eruptions and shimmering white noise from the same universe as My Bloody Valentine, Swans, Merzbow and Jesu."

"Melancholic, neo-classical romanticism, dark ambient funeral harmonies and ethereal female voice. An alchemy of baroque soundscapes and haunting melodies played to themes of isolation, solitude and death. An enchanting work from Carline Van Roos of Lethian Dreams and Remembrance. Highly recommended for appreciators of Dead Can Dance, Elend, Arcana and the like. Presented in beautiful colour card wallet and hand stamped Paradigms packaging."

Blueprint Human Being - Heaven is All CD (1000 kall)
Aðal Málið þegar ég rúnta með pabba.
"Blueprint Human Being fuse the heavy dynamics of a young King Crimson with the warm, glowing eccentricities of the early 1970's English progressive underground and the avant metal leanings of Fleurety and Ved Beuns Ende at their most kosmische. 30 minutes of heavy exploration and warped Finnish mind expansion."
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3

Melodeath sem er actually öflugur.
DT Aðdáðenda myspace

4 diskar- Diskur eitt: Unrest platan auk Deprived 7". Diskar 2-3: Restin. ALLT sem þeir hafa gefið út. Diskur 4: DVD, 4 tónleikar.

Black metal/noise. Rugl dót sem er þó með eitthvað cult following.

"Harrowing, apocalyptic bestial ritual music from the deepest, darkest cellars of the Netherlands. Avant black metal, agonising funeral doom and blackened experimental drone noise stab forth again and again until all the blood is spilt and total carnage is all that remains. Pure dread put to music. Recommended for disturbed folk into Abruptum, Khanate, Axis Of Perdition, Swans and Univers Zero."

Ótrúlega flottur framsækinn gothískur metall.

Lenti í drykkjarjógúrti á sínum tíma, bookletið er semsagt svolítið krumpað, en samt allt í lagi með þetta að öðru leiti.

"Five expansive tracks over 30+ minutes of evocative, deep, textured avant extreme metal from Italy's Kailash. Rich and challenging - as left-field death metal as it is progressive or jazz fueled; Interwoven with the forward thinking vision of such luminaries as Ved Buens Ende and Fleurety, the technical urgency of maybe Death, Opeth or later period Emperor and the creative magic of Agalloch and Ulver. Complete with piano and saxophone. Glorious. Presented in a beautiful colour card wallet and hand stamped Paradigms packaging."

Rugl avant garde, á góðan hátt.
"These sinister sounds radiate from a core of two enigmatic musicians with a revolving circle of guests including the percussion genius of Secret Chiefs, John Zorn and Xiu Xiu collaborator Ches Smith. Uneasy listening for appreciators of Ulver, Guapo, Magma, Fantomas and the like. Truly spellbinding and magical recordings."

Sludge metal fyrir Grief aðdáðendur.

Tekið upp live, japanskt edition með 2 límmiðum og plaggati. Ómissandi í Nunslaughter safnið.
Myspace, ekkert lag af disknum en sýnir samt hvað þessi hljómsveit er um.

Inniheldur: 2 lög sem upprunalega voru gefin út sem túr7", annað sem er bathory cover. 3 rough mix frá HEX LPnum, og eitt live lag.

Það er ekki séns að þú fýlir þetta ekki ef þú fýlar funeral doom metal.

DVDinn inniheldur öll promo myndböndin þeirra.

"Double Infinity", the new full length cd from Portland, Oregon's acclaimed psych folk duo, Plants, is their most ambitious undertaking yet. Opener "The Sky Above seeks the Below" is an expansive chasm of languid organs and twinkling piano clusters swelling up into a crescendo of vocal introspection and sparse, glistening folk drone space pop. The title track, is a twenty minute Kraut Rock odyssey packed with fuzz guitar, bongo hypnotics, electric harpsichord, and driving strings. The album closes with the arcane folk madrigal "Gnostic Flame", an open ended acoustic bewitchment that serves well as a coda to this enchanting, celestial album. "

"Dark astral ambient voyages through solar infinity. Deep, all encompassing sensory projection for earthbound space travellers and cosmic explorers. Haunting, spacial isolationism from the same universe as Klause Schulze, Neptune Towers, Biosphere etc. A most beautiful and rewarding work."

Mellow dót. Mamma fýlar þetta, en heldur samt að ég hlusti bara á dauðarokk.
"Beautifully understated, melancholic songwriting with the haunting atmospheres of Low, the dream-like fog of Mazzy Star and the intimate chamber resonance of maybe Amber Asylum or Neurot Recordings artists Bee & Flower. A wonderfully personal and introspective voyage into candlelit, nocturnal listening."

Titan - Untitled (1000 kall)(selt)
"A very special untitled debut release from Brooklyn, NY krautrock mystics, TITAN. Cascading kosmische freakout in three parts over 45 minutes - shimmering mind expansion like a heavy, solar tapestry of Ash Ra Tempel, Klaus Schulze and Zombi. Immense."
http://www.myspace.com/titanaut veljið 'die morgensonne ex...'

Black metal.

"UT presents the re-issue of Unlife's 2005 demo "Ossuary v 2.0". Unlife is Eric Syre's industrial metal projet, this being the last release to feature a harder/metal sound. 7 tracks of cold industrial riffs, in the vein of acts such as Godflesh."

V/A - Walking with Ghosts(500)(Selt)
"Featuring an eclectic yet balanced collection of nocturnal music over 80 minutes from And Machine Said...Behold, Catonium, Selaxon Lutberg, Escape The Day, Throne Of Galaktus, Paul Mercer, Monarkh, Le' Rue Delashay, The Victim's Shudder, The Waking Cold, Vulf Sentient, Annastatsea and Visions. You may well be unfamiliar with most or all of these challenging artists but will be intoxicated by the resonance of this album.
An epic collection of mist frosted ambient, through spectral modern classical and haunting vocal composition to sorrowful slo-core and heavy atmospheric astral prog. Influences across this black ethereal work rangefrom Magma to Diamanda Galas, Codeine to Shostakovich, Eno to Goblin, Dead Can Dance, Sigur Ros, Raison D'Etre or even Sunn 0))) and much more besides, and we think this will give you a very basic idea of what expansive artistic vision is captured here."

"Wejdas, from Lithuania, have been releasing amazing amber-ambient since '94. For this new mini-album, they team up with a retired Capt from the anti-Soviet Resistance in what can be seen as a piece of eastern europe history. A long spoken-word/ambient track with a mesmerizing and hypnotic feel."

Woburn House - Message To Ourselves Outside The Dreaming Machine(1000)(selt)
"From Bonn, Germany, Woburn House present four epic pieces over fifty five minutes on their debut album. Deeply intricate and powerfully dynamic music, transcendental layers of progressive avant doom, textured slow-core and shimmering shoegaze, cascading through the enveloping psychedelic riff. Taking influence from a wide ranging musical palette of Neurosis, Mono, Jesu, Sonic Youth, Slint and much more besides, then forging this with a distinctly European leftfield metal signature. This is indeed a rather unique, personal work of forward thinking heavy music."

Wraiths - Plaguebearer (1000 kr.)(selt)
Frekar ljótt óhljóðadrone, algerlega improvised og skemmtilegt. Fær gæðastimpil frá Hilmari.
"Wraiths are the wretched sound of the plague-ridden, the unclean and the befouled. Wraiths are the dead in their lime-pits and the dying in their beds. Wraiths are the horror of infection.
Wraiths exclusively utilize found & re-structured equipment, location acoustics and human vocals. No computers or synthesizers are used in any Wraiths recording or live event. All Wraiths releases are recorded live and improvised, under ritual conditions."
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