Blueprint Human Being - Heaven is All (500 kall)
Aðal Málið þegar ég rúnta með pabba.
"Blueprint Human Being fuse the heavy dynamics of a young King Crimson with the warm, glowing eccentricities of the early 1970's English progressive underground and the avant metal leanings of Fleurety and Ved Beuns Ende at their most kosmische. 30 minutes of heavy exploration and warped Finnish mind expansion."
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3

Titan - Untitled (1000 kall)
"A very special untitled debut release from Brooklyn, NY krautrock mystics, TITAN. Cascading kosmische freakout in three parts over 45 minutes - shimmering mind expansion like a heavy, solar tapestry of Ash Ra Tempel, Klaus Schulze and Zombi. Immense."
http://www.myspace.com/titanaut veljið 'die morgensonne ex...'

Jarboe - Seeress/The Sweet Meat Love and Holy Cult 7"(300)
"The A-side is a beautiful piano and vocal piece by Jarboe, with accompanying guitar from collabroator Nic Le Ban. The B-side introduces her new free-collective, The Sweet Meat Love And Holy Cult. The result being a 10-piece mantric improv freak-out. Fantastic. We're sure Jarboe needs no introduction to most after her heritage with Swans and her acclaimed solo works, the staggering collaborations with Neurosis and last year's highly praised "The Men Album"."

V/A - Walking with Ghosts(500)(Selt)
"Featuring an eclectic yet balanced collection of nocturnal music over 80 minutes from And Machine Said...Behold, Catonium, Selaxon Lutberg, Escape The Day, Throne Of Galaktus, Paul Mercer, Monarkh, Le' Rue Delashay, The Victim's Shudder, The Waking Cold, Vulf Sentient, Annastatsea and Visions. You may well be unfamiliar with most or all of these challenging artists but will be intoxicated by the resonance of this album.
An epic collection of mist frosted ambient, through spectral modern classical and haunting vocal composition to sorrowful slo-core and heavy atmospheric astral prog. Influences across this black ethereal work rangefrom Magma to Diamanda Galas, Codeine to Shostakovich, Eno to Goblin, Dead Can Dance, Sigur Ros, Raison D'Etre or even Sunn 0))) and much more besides, and we think this will give you a very basic idea of what expansive artistic vision is captured here.

Woburn House - Message To Ourselves Outside The Dreaming Machine(1000)
"From Bonn, Germany, Woburn House present four epic pieces over fifty five minutes on their debut album. Deeply intricate and powerfully dynamic music, transcendental layers of progressive avant doom, textured slow-core and shimmering shoegaze, cascading through the enveloping psychedelic riff. Taking influence from a wide ranging musical palette of Neurosis, Mono, Jesu, Sonic Youth, Slint and much more besides, then forging this with a distinctly European leftfield metal signature. This is indeed a rather unique, personal work of forward thinking heavy music."

Hallvarður Ásgeirsson - Lífsblómið(1000) selt
Úff, hefði nú pantað meira ef ég hefði bara vitað hversu góð tónlist þetta er. Óheppnir verða bara að bíða eftir næstu pöntun ef þeir ná ekki þessu eintaki.. Yeah. Allavegana, eins og sést er, þá er þessi kumpáni íslenskur. Lýsist sem einhversskonar avant garde nýklassík.. mjög fjölbreytt tónlist. Stundum óhljóðagjörn, stundum falleg. Örugglega erfitt fyrir marga að melta þetta í fyrstu.

Amerískt psychadelic þjóðlagapopp. Helvíti hippalegt. Örugglega fín tónlist til að sitja í sólinni við. ;p
That's it folks. Hafið samband á www.hugi.is(BaraBenni), töflunni(Kokkaljós) eða email, sem er zaxerinn@hotmail.com. ;p
1 comment:
Walking with Ghosts er helvíti gott stöff!!!!
Excellent seller! will buy from again hehehehe
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