Wraiths - Plaguebearer (1000 kr.)(selt)
Frekar ljótt óhljóðadrone, algerlega improvised og skemmtilegt. Fær gæðastimpil frá Hilmari.
"Wraiths are the wretched sound of the plague-ridden, the unclean and the befouled. Wraiths are the dead in their lime-pits and the dying in their beds. Wraiths are the horror of infection.
Wraiths exclusively utilize found & re-structured equipment, location acoustics and human vocals. No computers or synthesizers are used in any Wraiths recording or live event. All Wraiths releases are recorded live and improvised, under ritual conditions."

Mellow dót. Mamma fýlar þetta, en heldur samt að ég hlusti bara á dauðarokk.
"Beautifully understated, melancholic songwriting with the haunting atmospheres of Low, the dream-like fog of Mazzy Star and the intimate chamber resonance of maybe Amber Asylum or Neurot Recordings artists Bee & Flower. A wonderfully personal and introspective voyage into candlelit, nocturnal listening."

Rugl avant garde, á góðan hátt.
"These sinister sounds radiate from a core of two enigmatic musicians with a revolving circle of guests including the percussion genius of Secret Chiefs, John Zorn and Xiu Xiu collaborator Ches Smith. Uneasy listening for appreciators of Ulver, Guapo, Magma, Fantomas and the like. Truly spellbinding and magical recordings."

Fallegasta tónlist í heimi. Álíka disorted og fallegur og góður draumur. Ímyndið ykkur Wraiths vera að reyna að spila lög eftir Sigur Rós.